Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Meat Ball Recipe

How to Make Meat Ball
Meat ball is a very popular food in Indonesia, especially in West Kalimantan. There are many kinds of meat ball based on the kinds of meat that used, such as; beef meat ball, fish meat ball, chicken meat ball, and the other kinds of meat. Making meat ball is not very difficult. I am going to give you a recipe how to make fish meat ball for 5 portions. Read this recipe below.

-          350 gr of Fish meat (you can use mackarel or tuna)
-           50 gr of Starch Flour
-          100 cc of Ice Water
-          An egg
-          4 cloves of Garlic
-          ½ tsp of Pepper
-          3 tsp of Salt
-          Water (sufficiently)
How to Make
-          Crush garlic, pepper, and salt together.
-          Mince fish meat until smooth, then mix it with the spices, starch flour, egg, and ice water.
-          Beat the batter until all ingredients mixed well.
-          Boil water, then turn off the stove.
-          Put abit of batter, make it become round shape, dip it into the hot water,do it again and again until the batter used up.
-          And the last, cook the batters into boiling water until ripe, lift and drain.
Meat ball is ready to eat, you can mix meat ball with noodles and vegetables, emmm yummy :D

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