Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011


Do you like noodles? Yeah, everybodies love noodles. There are three kinds of noodles in West  Borneo that are commonly sell on eateries , we can distinguish their kinds by see their main ingredients; what they are made from. Wheat noodles, rice noodles, and sago noodles are three kinds of noodles in West Borneo. The most favorite of them is noodles that made from wheat.

Chinese food is identic with many kinds of cooking that using noodles. There is a place that becomes as a “Heaven of Chinese Noodles”, it is Sui Pinyuh, a small city that is not too far away from Pontianak. Sui Pinyuh has so many eateries that serve chinese noodle, such as Atiang Restaurant, Asia Restaurant, 888 Restaurant, and many other unnamed chinese restaurants . Atiang is the most favorite chinese restaurant in Sui Pinyuh. Atiang serves many kinds of cooking, and the one of them is “Atiang’s Boiling Noodles”.
Atiang’s boiling noodle is very delicious, they use their own noodles that they made by their selves.  The noodles is very smooth and chewy, it made from wheat flour that mixed with some secret  spices. Moreover, that delicious noodles poured with oily pork broth, and it become more delicious because it using seafood; shrimp, cuttlefish, fish meatball and bacon as it’s  toping. This food is very delicious, and it’s price is not very expensive. 

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