Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011


You have to ever drunk “Es Cincau”! Yes, everybody knows this kind of  drink, but did you know where the cincau jelly comes from? Cincau jelly is made from a kind of shrubs, it’s Latin name is Mesona Chinensis.  The process to make it become jelly is not difficult. Firstly, take some mesona’s stalks and leaves,then wash them with clean water. After that,  boil the stalks and leaves with enough salt  and a little starch in boiling water  for several hours. The last step is cooling the liquid until become a jelly.

Grass jelly has many benefits for our health. Cincau is believed can heal sore throat, and lower hypertension. It is also good  for those who want to lose weight. This happens because the black grass jelly contains carbohydrates, minerals (calcium and phosphorus), vitamin A, B1, C, and also low calorie. That is why cincau is very popular to serve in fasting month.
There are many drinks using grass jelly, partly in a canned form. It is better if we consume cincau in a fresh form, then we can turn it to a drink using our creativity. One of fresh drink that using cincau is “Es Cincau Hahaha”. This drink is very delicious, I have drunk it at a centeen on FKIP UNTAN. It made from grass jelly that added with water, milk, and ice. The price is very cheap, only Rp. 3000,00 for a portion. 

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